发布时间:2021-07-23 15:24:14 浏览次数:次 作者:ignet
advertise [ˈædvərtaɪz]vt.①为……做告白,传播 ②(在报章杂志、电视、播送中的)公布,颁布
The company advertised its goods in the local newspapers. 该公司在本地白报纸上为商品做告白。It’s simply unethical to promote and advertise such a dangerous product. 传播实行如许伤害的产物实足是不品德的。Religious groups are currently not allowed to advertise on television. 暂时遏止宗教大众在电视上做告白。The company is spending heavily to advertise its strongest brands. 该公司在花重金为其最强势的品牌做告白。Choose a color that represents what you advertise. 采用一个能代办你所传播的货色的脸色。
advertise goods for sale 登告白出卖货色
advertise a house for rent 登告白出租汽车屋子
advertise a child as lost 登走失小孩的启示
advertise for …in the newspaper/on TV 在白报纸/电视上登告白找……